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Apostle Lincoln Robinson

January 1st, 2007 - Romans 10:17

At the threshold of the New Year, the Spirit of the Lord is saying that our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour and Lord will bring us through every temptation, every attack and every type of bondage in our life in 2007. So how do we keep our faith strong and growing? By hearing the word of God. This means that we should be in the house of God, where God has planted us, every time the doors are opened. We must be thirsting for the water of life that flows out from His throne.

We need to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness so that we will not be found wanting, leaving doors open in our lives for the devil to have access as he pleases. We need to put away pettiness and hurts and forget the things of the past so that we may seek His glory. We need to forgive those who have harmed us that we may be healed. We cannot continue in this time operating in the old anointing. We need to rekindle the flame of God in our lives so that we will not be lukewarm. We need to be on fire for Him as we allow His fire to move through us in cleansing power consuming all that is not of Him.

In 2007, we need more than ever to present our bodies living sacrifices to Him, holy and acceptable unto Him which is but our reasonable service. Our energies should be used to stir up our zeal to worship Him. We will no longer be able to get away with half hearted service. The fear of God should be allowed to affect every area of our lives so that we will reverence Him with the respect that is due to the only true and living God. What will be our response to this cry of the Holy Spirit? Our response will determine if we will fulfil His call upon us in this season. It will not be His fault but ours.

  • Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

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